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Piroska és a farkas az egyik legismertebb magyar népmese, mely gyerekkorunk egyik kedvenc története.
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A mese lényege, hogy a naiv Piroska az erdőben találkozik a gonosz farkassal, aki meg akarja enni őt.
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Azonban Piroska okos és ügyes, így sikerül kijátszania a farkast és épségben hazajutni. De vajon hogyan hangzik ez a klasszikus történet angolul? Az alábbi cikkben részletesen megismerhetjük Piroska és a farkas angol nyelvű változatát.
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Piroska and the Wolf is one of the most well-known Hungarian folk tales, which is a favorite story of our childhood.
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The essence of the tale is that the naive Piroska meets the evil wolf in the forest, who wants to eat her.
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However, Piroska is smart and clever, so she manages to outsmart the wolf and return home safely. But how does this classic story sound in English? In this article, we will get to know the English version of Piroska and the Wolf in detail. The story begins with Piroska, also known as Little Red Riding Hood, living in a village at the edge of a forest.
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One day, her mother asks her to take some food to her sick grandmother, who lives deep in the forest. Piroska happily agrees and sets off on her journey with a basket filled with goodies. On her way, she meets the cunning wolf, who asks her where she is going. Being a trusting and innocent girl, Piroska tells him about her destination.
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The wolf then suggests that she takes a different path, while he goes to her grandmothers house to surprise her. Piroska thanks the wolf and continues on her way. Meanwhile, the wolf runs to the grandmothers house, where he eats the old lady and puts on her clothes.
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When Piroska arrives, she is surprised to see her grandmother looking different. The wolf tries to trick her by pretending to be her grandmother, but Piroska notices the wolfs big ears and sharp teeth. She realizes that the wolf has eaten her grandmother and quickly runs out of the house. Piroska runs into the forest, looking for help.
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She meets a hunter who is passing by and tells him about the wolfs evil plan. The hunter quickly follows Piroska to her grandmothers house, where they find the wolf sleeping. The hunter kills the wolf and saves Piroska and her grandmother. Piroska and her grandmother are overjoyed and grateful to the hunter for saving them.
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They invite him for dinner and celebrate their victory.